Just My Socks 哪个服务器是 CN2 GIA?

2020年08月26日 3484点热度 6人点赞 0条评论

Just My Socks 目前提供了 6 个服务器(VPS),不同的服务器线路也不一样,有 CN2 GIA,也有 CN2 GT,甚至 801 自由服务器还是普通线路,那么其中哪个服务器才是 CN2 GIA 呢?我们应该使用 Just My Socks 哪个服务器呢?


Just My Socks 服务器介绍

目前 Just My Socks 为每一个账户都提供 6 个服务器:cXs1、cXs2、cXs3、cXs4、cXs5 和 cXs801,其中 X 代表组别,不同的人 X 的值会不一样,例如 JustMySocks教程网 的 X 是 14,那么就是 c14s1,以此类推。

你的 X 值在自己的 JustMySocks 服务详情里也可以看到,具体的打开官网登录后台就行:JustMySocks官网


Just My Socks 哪个服务器好

在 Just My Socks 服务器列表(Server IP)下面有一篇教程《Which address should I use》,打开这篇教程:

Just My Socks 哪个服务器是 CN2 GIA?

这是目前的介绍(最新的请在官网自己查看:Which address should I use):

We provide you with 5 IPs which have slightly different routing:

cXs1, cXs2 and cXs5 are routed via CN2 GT network with additional China Unicom and China Mobile direct connectivity. We use multiple CN2 GT datacenters, so all 3 servers are not routed equally to ensure maximum resiliency.

Server cXs3 is routed via CN2 GIA network provided by China Telecom (China Telecom routes only).

Server cXs4 is routed via premium China Mobile mix (with CN2 GIA on Return Path) (China Mobile routes only).
** NOTE 2020-08-11 ** As an experiment, some cXs4 servers use our Netherlands POP with GIA support for all 3 carriers (CU/CM/CT) on return path

Depending on your provider (CT, CU, CM) you may see different connection speeds using different servers, so we recommend trying out each server to see which one works best for you.

Please see your service information page to see detailed configuration of each server and pick the one that works best for you.

Just My Socks CN2 GIA 不假,但是不是所有服务器都是 CN2 GIA,目前 cXs3 是电信 CN2 GIA,cXs4 是三网 CN2 GIA。所以如果你觉得 Just My Socks 速度慢,是不是因为没有用 CN2 GIA 线路?换成 3 和 4 再试试看速度。

如果你还没有购买 JustMySocks,那还等什么?这么便宜还不用担心 IP 被墙的服务:《JustMySocks 注册教程分享,支持支付宝购买


